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Conflict Competency program for International Organizations

Follow the course 'Conflict Competency program for International Organizations' here at Result Mediation.

The need for becoming conflict competent

International organizations operate in a complex environment with a multiple of cultures, characters and individuals. Keeping people motivated and productive depends greatly on the ability of the organizations to manage conflict which is a natural consequence of the international and intercultural workspace.

International organizations often become less productive than they can because of escalating conflicts.  When conflicts are not recognized and dealt with early, they escalate. Organizations and managers however often lack the knowledge, competence and confidence to deal with conflicts early and in a structured way.

How do we help organizations deal with conflict?

We empower organizations to deal with conflicts in a structured way by offering a complete program of services that leverages our extensive knowledge of cultural differences and mediation. Our program offers both external mediators and confidential counsellors. We also deliver intercultural skills and conflict resolution training for managers, human resource workers and work councils. Furthermore we offer lunch lectures around conflict resolutions.

Our Program outline

Our program consists of the following modules

  1. Provide english speaking mediators
  2. Conflict competent survey
  3. Train managers mediation skills
  4. Train managers intercultural skills
  5. Provide conflict escalation roadmap
  6. Provide confidential counsellors

Our background

As the largest mediation firm in the Netherlands we strongly believe that mediation skills can greatly increase people’s quality of life. We have been training organizations in cultural awareness and mediation skills since 2008. We have successfully partnered with several international organisations and helped them become more conflict competent.

Get informed

The date of this training has not yet been determined. Contact us for more information.
We will keep you informed of any starting dates

This in-company training is available upon request.

Your trainers

Timetable for the lesson blocks


Welcome & Registration


“Conflict dynamics and conflict resolution”,  Felix Merks, Director & Senior Mediator at Result Mediation


Lunch & feedback sessions CDP


“The role of the confidential counsellor in de-escalating conflict”


Experience sharing and networking

Interested in this course?

Register today to assure yourself of a seat.

Introduction day

Curious about our program and conflict resolution approach? We are hosting an introduction session on december 4th in the Hague. We invite you to contact us for registration details by calling our program manager at 020-2050241 or use the registration form below.

Before the start of the course you will be asked to complete a survey which will provide you with your own Conflict Dynamic Profile (CDP). The potential use of CDP will be provided during the lunch session.


The costs of the program are €95,- (excl. VAT)

For questions, please call +31 (0)20 – 205 02 39 or use the registration form below.

Education overview