91% success rate
87% customer satisfaction
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Jan goossens mediator

Jan Goossens

Company lawyer, entrepreneur
Employment Mediator

Jan Goossens. a can-do listener.

  • Show what you can achieve with a positive attitude.
  • Understand what comes first for both parties.
  • Continue until there is no loser anymore
  • Mediates in English, German, French and Dutch

Mediating is in Jan Goossens’s blood. Since 1971 he has worked as a corporate lawyer at Philips, Brabants Vastgoed, Wilma and the Dutch Security Service. In 1987 he took matters into his own hands and founded the first Dutch professional office of external company lawyers. Jan was also at the cradle of the current Result Mediation in 1998. With his positive attitude and expertise, he encourages parties to continue until a solution is reached. He likes to think along actively and can put himself in the best of situations. His corporate legal experience makes Jan a discussion partner for lawyers and other lawyers. In addition to Dutch mediations, he also does this in English, French and German.

Need help?

Jan Goossens

Company lawyer, entrepreneur

Experiences & specializations

Since 1998 mr. Goossens resolved hundreds of conflicts.

One of the biggest advantages of mediation is the speed of the proces: everybody wants to move on. Jan Goossens

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