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Facilitation and Mediation Procedure


Facilitation is the use of a neutral third party to help parties identify potential issues (like tensions between viewpoints, interpersonal or other relationship issues) and facilitate constructive communication, collaborative problem solving and decision-making. Facilitation is an informal process.


Mediation is the use of a neutral third party to help parties reach a voluntary resolution of a dispute which parties have been unwilling or unable to resolve on their own. Mediation is a structured process that starts with the signing of a mediation agreement, after which the mediator will engage the parties in confidential discussions based on interests rather than positions and help them negotiate an amicable settlement. A successful mediation results in a written, signed agreement settling all matters in dispute.

The procedural steps of facilitation and mediation

First contact  Result Mediation and discuss the scope of the problem. The case managers of Result Mediation will contact parties involved to briefly discuss the issues, possible intervention (facilitation / mediation) and the selection of possible facilitator/mediator.

Facilitation and Mediation Procedure

In facilitation:

  • Facilitator calls parties, discusses the issue and helps them resolve it by phone (conference calls) or a joint session. If an agreement is reached, the facilitator will email parties with the content of the agreement.

In mediation:

  • Mediator calls parties to explain mediation procedure.
  • Mediator emails mediation agreement and mediation brief instructions to parties.
  • Parties sign mediation agreement, write a mediation brief and email both documents to the mediator.
  • Mediator schedules separate Skype calls with parties to discuss their mediation briefs. He helps parties to translate positions into interests and needs.
  • Mediator emails the parties separately with an overview of their interests and needs that should be met by the agreement following the mediation process.
  • Mediator schedules a joint session with both parties present. Preferably from 1-5 pm.
  • If the mediation is successful the mediation process will end with a written signed agreement settling all matters in dispute.

Get in touch

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