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Online Masterclass – Advanced Negotiation Strategy by Richard Birke

Investering: €295,- excl. btw
Investeer in jouw onderhandel vaardigheden en behaal 18 PE-punten

Advanced Negotiation Strategy (e-learning)

Kom je regelmatig in aanraking met onderhandelingssituaties en wil je met meer zelfvertrouwen succesvoller onderhandelen? Dan is deze e-learning onderhandelen een echte aanrader. Met de online masterclass Advanced Negotiation Strategy ben je voortaan goed voorbereid en vergroot je jouw onderhandelingsresultaten.

In de online masterclass Advanced Negotiation Strategy presenteert professor Birke een nieuwe aanpak om jouw onderhandelingsvaardigheden te verbeteren. In 8 modules worden alle strategische en psychologische aspecten op het gebied van onderhandelen behandeld. Richard Birke combineert de nieuwste theorie en inzichten uit de psychologie, speltheorie, economie, en neurowetenschappen. In 68 video’s, downloadbare theorie, quizzen, cases en oefeningen leidt Richard Birke jou door alle aspecten van het onderhandelen. Een absolute must voor elke onderhandelaar.

Elke module vereist 2 uur studie. De e-learning is altijd toegankelijk op het internet. Het enige wat je nodig hebt is een login-naam en een wachtwoord.

Voor het afronden van de online masterclass kan je 18 PE-punten aanvragen. Goed om te weten: de masterclass is volledig in het Engels.


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De investering voor deze online masterclass bedraagt €295,00 excl. btw
Ontwikkel jouw onderhandelingsvaardigheden, waar en wanneer het jou uitkomt, en behaal 18 PE-punten.

Je kunt deze training te allen tijde starten via de e-learningomgeving.

Voor meer informatie kun je contact met ons opnemen via opleidingen@resultmediation.nl.

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+31 (0)6 36 29 44 51

Je trainers

Richard Birke

Indeling van lesblokken

Module 1 (Choosing a negotiation strategy. Should I cooperate or compete?)

The first and most fundamental question in any negotiation is whether you are cooperating with or competing against the other negotiator.  We explore that question through the study of the prisoners’ dilemma, the negotiators’ dilemma and other tools of analysis.

This module will help you solve such basic negotiation questions as

  • how to get other negotiators to play fair,
  • how to respond to threats
  • how to achieve outcomes that leave no value “on the negotiating table”

And more!

Module 2 (Preparing for Negotiation I – The “Harvard Method”)

Perhaps the most highly regarded method for negotiation is the Principled Negotiation method that emerged from the book Getting to Yes.  The authors were founders of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation and the ideas behind Getting to Yes still form the backbone of the so-called “Harvard Method” of negotiating.

This module is designed to help you become a better negotiator immediately, and we offer steps to start using the method for a negotiation on your desk right now.

Module 3 (Preparing for Negotiation II – Considering The Other Side)

There are three different relationships between the interests of your own side and those of the other negotiators.  Interests can be shared – where more value for you represents more value for the other side.  They can differ – where your payoff and that of the other side are independent of each other.

They can conflict – as in a classic tug-of-war where every inch you gain is one the other side loses.  The management of these shared, differing and conflicting interests forms the core of the learning in this module.

You will learn:

  • why negotiators overemphasize conflicting interests despite great cost
  • how to recognize and use differences to create more value for your side
  • a deeper, practical understanding of principled, interest-oriented negotiation
  • how to prepare more effectively in negotiation

This module extends and refines the learning from the basic Harvard model, while reinforcing the method through simulations and work on real problems.

Module 4 (The Psychology of Preparation)

When preparing, a negotiator must ask simple but fundamental questions – and the answers will determine the size or existence of a bargaining range.  The consideration of these questions is full of possibility for psychological distortion.  If the distortions changes the perceptions about the bargaining range, the effects can be that a negotiator will miss a good deal or settle/sell for too little.  In this module, we will explore the psychology of preparation to help you avoid or overcome the obstacles to good evaluation.

This module will provide examples and explanations from many of the leading cognitive and behavioral psychologists of the past 50 years, including insights from Nobel Prize winning decision theorists.

Module 5 (The Psychology of Preparation II)

Every negotiator does research, but the manner in which the research is conducted typically biases both the search and the outcome of that search.– AND they tend to make emotional choices when deciding whether to spend more money on research. Moreover, negotiators are poor at estimating what they want – and therefore what an appropriate or acceptable settlement or offer will be.  In this module, we will explore the psychology associated with investigation, research and forecasting.

The goal of this module is to help you overcome biases that may cost you too much money, cause you to misread data, and therefore perpetuate conflicts that should be settled or put at risk deals that should be consummated.

Module 6 (Interpersonal Skills in Negotiation & Dealing with Difficult People)

With the exception of negotiations that occur within the mind of one negotiator (sometimes called “decision making”), all negotiation is interpersonal.  Great negotiators achieve better outcomes, in part, by ensuring that the person-to-person communication helps lubricate the gears in deal-making and dispute resolution.  At the very least, they ensure that the interpersonal aspects of negotiation do not create barriers to agreement.   These negotiators possess high degrees of self-awareness and an awareness of the behavior of others.

In this module, we will explore many of the most important aspects of the interpersonal side of negotiation:

  • how to “separate the people from the problem”
  • the tensions between empathy and assertiveness
  • how negotiators with varying approaches to conflict can productively collaborate
  • how to improve skills in listening and presentation
  • how to recognize and negotiate effectively with others with ADD/ADHD, PTSD and Asperger’s Spectrum Disorder
Module 7 (The Psychology of Persuasion I)

A fundamental task for all negotiators is to persuade at least one other person to agree with them.  Sometimes that person is an adversary, and other times the person is a colleague, a client or a judge.  The study of persuasion is largely a study of psychology.  In this module, we will cover some of the most important aspect of the psychology of persuasion, including:

  • Reactive Devaluation: why offers from an opponent are not valued highly;
  • Loss Aversion: why losses loom larger than gains
  • Framing: how changes in description produces changes in acceptability
  • Reciprocity: how even unwanted gifts produce valuable concessions

And more!

Module 8 (The Psychology of Persuasion II)

There are too many excellent principles associated with the psychology of persuasion for us to contain them all in one module.  We’ve created a second module on the topic so that we can cover some additional material that is critical for any negotiator who wants to improve their outcomes.  We’ve divided the principles into three blocks.

Verdiepingsmasterclass (Negotiation Strategy)

When you have successfully completed the online masterclass Advanced Negotiation Strategy, you can enroll in the practice day Advanced Negotiation Strategy.

Under the guidance of Felix Merks, you will put the theory, knowledge, and skills you have acquired during the online masterclass into practice.

Interested? More information.

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Richard Birke

Professor Richard Birke is een vooraanstaande wetenschapper op het gebied van onderhandelen en besluitvorming in relatie tot neurowetenschappen. Hij geeft al meer dan 20 jaar les in onderhandelen en conflictbemiddeling. Naast academicus is professor Birke een zeer ervaren trainer, mediator en adviseur.  Voor zijn academische carrière was hij jaren werkzaam als advocaat.

Sinds 2015 is Richard Birke algemeen directeur van de opleidingspoot van het JAMS instituut. In die hoedanigheid is hij verantwoordelijk voor het opleiden van alle neutrals (mediators) van JAMS. JAMS is het grootste mediation en arbitrage kantoor in de Verenigde Staten.

Voordat hij zich aansloot bij JAMS was Birke Associate Director van het Stanford Center for Conflict and Negotiation en professor aan de Stanford Law School. In 1993 werd hij professor of law aan de Willamette University in Oregon en directeur van het Centre for Dispute Resolution (CDR). Onder zijn leiding groeide het CDR uit tot één van de toonaangevende academische centra voor conflictbemiddeling in de VS. Hij ontving in 2011 een belangrijke onderscheiding voor zijn werk.


Module 1: Choosing a negotiation strategy. Should I cooperate or compete?

Module 2: Preparing for Negotiation I – The “Harvard Method”

Module 3: Preparing for Negotiation II – Considering The Other Side

Module 4: The Psychology of Preparation

Module 5: The Psychology of Preparation II

Module 6: Interpersonal Skills in Negotiation & Dealing with Difficult People

Module 7: The Psychology of Persuasion I

Module 8: The Psychology of Persuasion II

Quiz Multiple Choice
